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My Vote. My Health. invites everyone interested in amplifying the voices of marginalized communities in the political arena to join our efforts.
Additional voter information resources:
General Election date: November 8, 2022
Last day to register to vote for General Election: October 24, 2022
General election ballots start getting mailed week of October 11, 2022
Vote Centers Open (LA/OC) Saturday 10/29/22 - Tuesday 11/8/22
California Secretary of State
Download other helpful resources at the California Secretary of State website here -
Bilingual Voter Information Hotline
888-839-8682 (English)
888-VE-Y-VOTA (Spanish)
888-API-VOTE (Asian & Island Pacific)
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League of Women Voters
Get information on how, where, and when to vote anywhere in the country by visiting the League of Women Voters website