Your Vote. Your Voice. Your Health.
Why does this matter? When more people vote, our leaders listen. We get better services like housing, healthcare, and education. But when we don’t vote, our needs go unheard.
The My Vote. My Health. initiative is here to change that. We’re making voting easier in places you trust, like community health centers. When leaders know we’re watching, they work harder for us. In the March primary election, we reached 35,363 voters and with your help, we hope to surpass our goal of reaching 31,500 voters by November.
Together, we can turn things around. Register to vote and cast your ballot by mail or in person at your polling place on or before November 5th. Health Centers across San Diego are ready to help you learn how to vote, learn who and what is on the ballot, and mobilize the state to Vote for your Health.
Your vote can change everything. Make it count! Vote on November 5th!
Want to get involved?
Use this link to register for our Health Heroes Canvass event: https://tinyurl.com/HealthHeroes24
Local Voter Resources
The KPBS Voter Guide aims to help voters get non-partisan information on all the races (federal, state, and local) and measures on the ballot.
English: https://www.kpbs.org/tags/elections
Spanish: https://www.kpbs.org/tags/elecciones

Ask Us About Voting!
Thanks to the support of 8,644 health center staff members and providers we were able to reach 70,174 patients across San Diego County, during the March primary election.